
Showing posts from March, 2021


Today we worked on our project in breakout rooms. I enjoyed this because I can laugh make jokes and still work with my peers. The people that are in my group are my friends but there all boys and that makes it even funnier . 


Today's class was good . We started working on our project; I don't usually like projects but this one seems fairly easy because I have a group to help me . Our topic is sex education and I'm excited to do it because I'm ready to research more about sex education and to elaborate on it . My group and I were working really hard so I didn't have much homework.


 Today we focused on signing up for the college fair . I would rather go to a college fair in person but since COVID that is off limits. I need to start picking different colleges I want to attend because time is winding down. I don’t wanna miss any opportunities so I’m going to sign up and see what they have to offer .


 Today was interesting I liked watching my classmates vocabulary videos . Their video choices we’re funny , some people used tik toks . That strategy was very creative but overall today was a good day .


 Today was fast , we got released really early I was so relieved because I was so tired . All we worked on was commentary , having that refresher was helpful but other than that class was good .


 Today we had a two open discussions ; I really enjoyed both . I feel as if women shouldn’t be put in the category as only being the caregiver and house wife and a man shouldn’t be the only one that can do the handy work and support . The other discussion spoke on social media . I feel like social media is a platform where some , not all people tend to post stuff relating to how people act now and days . You can’t  judge people how they portray there image because in person it might be totally different .


 Today we really didn't do anything major ; we did a synthesis essay .  I know that my writing skills are improving but I never get to finish . Today my AP classroom kept logging  me out and I had to start over three times so wen I finally could start writing my time ran out and I didn't finish . Other than that my day was okay.


 In class today we talked about analyzing a image and making notes about the little things depicted in the image . I enjoyed doing this because usually I'll look at a picture and just say was going on in the big picture but today taught me that you have to look at the small details because it tells a piece of the story too.


 Today we discussed whether or not education is boring or not . My position was that education is not boring, it's the person . A person that's committed to school and who has big goals for the future will make their education their number one priority.


 I'm going to start off by saying I was very sleepy . I had practice the day before and time going up really messed me up. I thought class was going to be boring today , but I really enjoyed the type of essay we went over , I found this type of essay to be easier than the others because everything you need is literally right there, all you have to do is come up with the right evidence .


 Today's class was a breeze , we had a early release and we only went over our scores . I was disappointed when I received my score because I know if I didn't have all that going on I would've did better on it. After that we took a couple notes ; which was boring as always , then it was time to leave.


 Today we talked about multiple things . The thing that stood out the most was when we started talking about scholarships . The way it was getting explained made it seem very stressful  to get in a college without a scholarship. I play basketball and I'm smart so I'm pretty sure I'll receive a scholarship so I'm not really worried. After that we learned about synthesis essays and the way Mr.Rease explained it made it seem so simple.


 Today was a fun day for me . I learned when to use semicolons and apostrophes. When I'm writing I don't use semicolons but apostrophe's i use regularly . After going over the rules ,we took the ACT practice and it was easy i score a 100% on one and the other one I missed one. It was good that we had a refresher because I had forgot about semicolons.


 Today we’re working on our grammar skills . We’re learning how to use our commas correctly, I thought I knew how to use commas , but as we were going over the bell ringer I noticed that I got 1 wrong . In my opinion I thought I had the answer right but as it got explained I saw my mistakes and I think I can use my commas better . 


I hate writing essays because I'm not very good at them . I want to be a good writer , so when i grow up that can be one talent I can say I have. I'm grateful for this class because before I thought I could write a good essay but getting in this class and being challenged I now see that I can write okay essay's but I need to write  great essays.


 Today was a disaster . We had to write our essay today and I know i failed it , not because I didn't know the content , it was because my dog was barking , nephew was playing and screaming , and my computer froze when i was on my 3rd paragraph so i had to start over and my time didn't reset so I ran out of time .


 Today was good for me . In my opinion writing a essay is quite challenging because if you miss one simple step that can mess up your whole paper and you get a bad grade for one mistake . We discussed  explaining evidence more and I feel as If i got the hang of it . 


 Today I was frustrated and grateful at the same time because we got feedback on our thesis and body paragraph back . I did horrible , I only got one component right. That upset me because I thought I was going to get a good grade . I was grateful because we went over how to make it better .