
 Starting off class we watched a short film about a teacher teaching a lesson about how 2+2=5. In the film there were 3 boys who disagreed with the teacher . When the first boy disagreed the teacher completely shut it down and made him change his answer , but the second boy he was confident in his answer and wouldn't change it even when the top students told him that the answer was not 4 . The teacher gave the student one more chance to change his answer . He stuck with his answer and it cost him his life. After the incident happened the teacher asked the class again what 2+2 equals and everybody said 5 , but there was one boy who wrote in notebook that 2+2=4 even though he said 5. This lesson taught me that no matter how hard somebody tries to change your mind if you're positive about your answer then stick with it . As a class we discussed the difference between certainty and doubt . We said if a person is certain about something then you will never have doubt in anything and vice versa . 


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