
Showing posts from February, 2021


 Today in class we wrote our own thesis and body paragraph . Writing the thesis was still a littler challenging but when I brainstormed it came to me easier . Now when getting to the body paragraph I got writers block for a second but i shook out of it and wrote my paragraph . I hope i get a good grade on it . 


 Today in class we picked back on the thesis topic but we decided to read a prompt and create a thesis statement . Creating the thesis statement was a little challenging because I was confused on what the question was asking . After reading the prompt four times and listening to my classmates share,   I finally came up with a thesis . Overall I enjoyed class because I love a good challenge .


 Today in class we focused on how to create a thesis statement . I was glad because I forgot how to create one . While getting a refresher about thesis statements , I gained two new methods . I personally would use the umbrella method because its simple and no matter what prompt you acquire you can use it . Class was actually exciting .

Reflection- Poem

My poem is about a girl . My inspiration comes from black culture .   The Fierce And Powerful Black Culture  A Poem by Shaniya Porter  Whose black culture is that? I think I know  Its owner is quite happy though  Full of joy like a vivid rainbow.  I watch her laugh . I cry hello  She gives her black culture a shake ,  And laughs until her belly aches . The only other sound’s the break,  Of distant waves and birds awake . The black culture is fierce and powerful and  Deep But she has promises to keep ,  After cake and lots of sleep . Sweet dreams come to her cheap . She rises from her gentle bed. With thoughts of puppies in her head  She eats her jam with lots of bread. Ready for the day ahead . 


 Today we started off doing a bell ringer about manhood . At first I was like how am I going to answer this and I am a girl . But after taking some time to think and use my dad as a example I could piece together some things I thought manhood was about . After that we worked on taking steps to prepare for our AP exam . The elimination technique really helped me , when we read the prompt and had to answer the questions I got all of them right . I was proud of my self and happy that I got a new strategy I can take with me into the real world and use it on my exam .


 Today’s lesson I didn’t really catch because I was in my junior meeting . In the meeting we discussed what classes we’re going to take next year and we touched up on FAFSA .I know that I don’t have any more math to take so that’s a plus . We also talked about college I don’t know what college I would like to attend but I know that I want it to have a good medical program because I would like to be a Cardiologist. They asked us how we felt about virtual learning , I responded I hated it because I wanted to experience high school for all 4 years . 


 In today’s lesson we read the poem “We real cool” by  Gwendolyn Brooks . I didn’t know much about her until we read her poem .After reading the poem I was a little distraught by the grammar used in the poem but over all I enjoyed the poem I was very engaged  . Ms .Brooks  made let us know that one ancestor was a follower and when he tried to turn back it was to late he had to deal with the consequences.


 Today we started off with the bell ringer asking us is our parents strict or not . In class we took notes on rhetoric in place and had a discussion on it. Different places symbolize different things . After talking about rhetoric in placed we started talking about Lincoln Memorial and how it symbolizes freedom . After that we talked about Christ the Redeemer in Brazil and hoe it symbolizes Brazil . Next we watched a video pertaining to how former President George W. Bush responded to the attack on American homeland . He took his speech from the Oval Office . which is where all the presidents go talk about a national disaster . This made is speech very powerful.


 Starting off class we watched a short film about a teacher teaching a lesson about how 2+2=5. In the film there were 3 boys who disagreed with the teacher . When the first boy disagreed the teacher completely shut it down and made him change his answer , but the second boy he was confident in his answer and wouldn't change it even when the top students told him that the answer was not 4 . The teacher gave the student one more chance to change his answer . He stuck with his answer and it cost him his life. After the incident happened the teacher asked the class again what 2+2 equals and everybody said 5 , but there was one boy who wrote in notebook that 2+2=4 even though he said 5. This lesson taught me that no matter how hard somebody tries to change your mind if you're positive about your answer then stick with it . As a class we discussed the difference between certainty and doubt . We said if a person is certain about something then you will never have doubt in anything and


 In class today , we watched  a YouTube video on Donald J. Trump . As he was conveying his message to American people the teacher would often pause the video to ask us what rhetorical devices he us used and how he included crisis rhetoric in that segment . I was intrigued in today's discussion , anytime we speak on Donald Trump I'm always interesting because he always has something going on.


 Today we learned about claims . We learned how to  create claims . Before doing that we started reading our claims from the two prompts . We talked about it and the teacher gave us constructive criticism. We took notes on claims , in the notes it stated a claim is  specific . And A claim can be substantiated with research ,evidence , testimony, and academic reasoning . 


 Today in class we answered questions for two prompts . First prompt was about if more gender- neutral toys should be made . It was a little tough to write about but I came to a good conclusion on what side I wanted to be on after doing research . The next topic was about if schools should increase the diversity in teachers . This topic was fairly easy to talk about because if there is different races among teachers in the school then the population of students should increase in my opinion. 


 Today we learned about a variety of things .  For example we learned about how ownership extends beyond objects to include intangible things . The 5 intangible things we learned about were , skill , health , happiness, love and experiences . After that we came up with different claims to explain each one . 


 Today we started off doing the bell ringers , the bell ringer was asking us to explain how people celebrate Black history month . People had different responses , which i found interesting . After doing the bell ringer we read the poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers " by Langston Hughes . I was really engaged on how complex the poem was . It really made me think in dept about if the African Americans were the first on earth or not. After class today it made me go to google and search up things about the African Americans .